
The Cademy Memberships app lets customers purchase plans with varying prices/benefits, auto-recurrable and easy to manage.

Artur Binzaru avatar
Written by Artur Binzaru
Updated over a week ago

The Memberships app allows you to set up plans for customers to purchase through your Cademy landing page. Memberships can run for a specific period, or auto-recur daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Cademy will automatically charge customers when the membership needs to be renewed, and customers can easily manage, update or cancel their membership via their profile. You can set up multiple memberships with varying prices and benefits, including free or discounted access to specific courses for subscribers, and limit access to certain courses for members only..

Table of Contents:


You must install the Stripe app in order to be able to offer recurring subscription payments through memberships.

To set up memberships, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Cademy admin dashboard.

  2. Click on the Apps icon located on the left navigation menu.

  3. Click on the Memberships card to open the Memberships install sheet.

  4. Click on the green Install button to get the app.

  5. Once you install the Memberships app, the new icon for the Memberships app will be displayed on the left side navigation menu. This will allow you to access your memberships and subscriptions quickly.

Creating Memberships

To create or update memberships, click on the Membership icon on the left of the navigation menu. To get started, click on the "+ New Membership" button.

When creating memberships, you'll have the following options:

  • Name

    The name will show on your landing page when customers purchase the membership. It will also show in confirmation emails and in their student profile - name the membership something distinctive.

  • Description

    The description will show on the membership card on the landing page. Use it to describe generally the benefits the membership offers subscribers.

  • Price

    Enter the amount paid by the customer to join the membership.

  • Auto-renew

    Select from one of the following options: Never , Daily , Weekly , Monthly, Yearly. This setting determines whether we should set up a recurring subscription payment for the customer, and if so, how often to charge them. If the recurring payment is successful, the membership will be renewed, if not, the membership will become invalid and the customer will lose their access to the membership benefits.

  • Benefits

    Benefits allow you to offer special perks and access for subscribers. You can choose from one of the following types of benefits:

    • Free Access

      This option will give customers 1 free space on the courses they select. For example, when a customer has a membership that offers them free entry to a particular course when they check out, they won't be prompted to pay for their space. If they select an additional space, they will need to pay for it.

    • Discounted Access

      You can use this option to offer a percentage-based discount for members on specific courses.

    • Members Only Access

      You can use this benefit type to restrict access to specific courses and only allow active subscribers to enrol on those courses. Any courses added to a members-only membership will from that point forward be inaccessible to non-members. On the course page, the Book button will be blocked, and a notice will prompt the customer to get a membership in order to be able to place the booking.

    You can mix & match benefit types as you choose.

There are additional options which can be shown by clicking the Advanced Settings button at the bottom of the membership page. You will see the following options:

  • Start date

    By default, the membership will start on the date of the purchase. However, if you want to set the start date at some point in the future, you can manually enter it within this field.

  • End date

    If you want the membership to stop at a specific date, you can configure an end date for it. If your membership re-occurs, payments will automatically stop.

  • Published

    If you un-publish a membership, it will no longer show on your landing page and customers will no longer be able to subscribe to it. However, current members and subscription payments will stay active.

  • Membership signup form

    You can select a different form to use to sign up customers onto a membership plan.

  • Confirmation email template

    By default, we will send the subscriber an email with all the details of their subscription and payment. You can create your own template and select it within this dropdown to use your email of choice as the confirmation alert. Please note, that this email will be sent to the customer every time they get charged.

  • Free trial period

    You can optionally enter the number of days for which a new subscriber wouldn’t be charged. If the trial period is 30 days, then the customer will be able to use the benefits of the membership for 30 days, and only after the trial 30 days pass they will be charged.

Adding Courses to Memberships

The fastest and most convenient way to add courses to memberships is through the "Settings" tab of any course. Simply "Edit" a course, then click on the "Settings" tab at the top of the page, then click on the "Memberships" card.

In the memberships section of your course, you will be able to add your course to any of the benefits on your memberships:

Buying Memberships

Once you publish a membership, customers will be able to see and buy them from the "Memberships" tab on your branded landing page. Once a customer buys a membership, they will immediately get charged the first fee and they will instantly gain access to the benefits offered by the membership.

Using Memberships as a Customer

If your course is restricted to members of a specific membership, they will be prompted to log in or buy a membership at the point when they visit the course:

If your course is linked to any other type of benefit, such as discounts or free entry, we will instead show a promotional call to action underneath the booking card on the course:

The customer can log into their account by using the email address used to sign up for the membership. Courses that are limited to members only will allow them to place a booking, and any discounts from memberships will automatically be applied on checkout.

Customers can view, update or cancel their membership by logging into their profile. They will only need their email address - no password is necessary. To log in, they will be emailed a special email with a secure link that allows them to access their profile without a password. From within their customer profile, they will be able to see the details of their membership and all related transactions. They can also cancel the membership or change to a different membership. When upgrading or downgrading their plan, subsequent payments will be adjusted on a pro-rata basis to account for any difference in price.

Managing Memberships & Subscriptions

You can see all subscriptions to memberships from the Memberships → Subscriptions page.

You can click on any Subscription to see the full details of the subscription and a history log of all transactions. From the same sheet, you can deactivate memberships or stop them from renewing. When you deactivate a membership, the subscriber will lose all benefits immediately. If you choose to not auto-renew, we will simply not charge the customer going forward and the customer will lose the benefits once the already paid period runs out.

From a contact page, you can see a badge under the name mentioning the membership the contact currently has. You can also see the reference to the membership subscription in the activity timeline:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fees?

The fees on each membership transaction are the same as for regular orders and bookings → i.e. 1.5% + 20p on each transaction. Currently, you cannot pass the fees to customers, for now, simply adjust the price of your membership to be higher to account for the transaction costs.

What happens if the payment fails on a subscription?

If the payment fails we will notify you and the customer. We will also pause the membership until payment is made.

🤔 Questions?

If you have questions or feedback please message us through the Live Chat at the bottom right or via email at We are always happy to hear from you.

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